Source of demo: treetable/run.astro.
Model: generateTreePeopleModel.ts.
Data: treePeopleData.ts.
This example demonstrates a Tree-Table. In a Tree-Table, objects are in a hierarchical relationship to each other and typically belong to the same type, making a tabulated representation alongside a tree structure in the first column meaningful.
Additionally, in this example, we showcase how to set up a multi-range selection using JavaScript.
const selectionModel = new SelectionModel("range", "multi");
selectionModel.addSelection(new CellRange(0, 0, 0, 2));selectionModel.addSelection(new CellRange(2, 1, 2, 2));selectionModel.addSelection(new CellRange(1, 5, 6, 7));selectionModel.addSelection(new CellRange(0, 8, 0, 8));selectionModel.addSelection(new CellRange(5, 6, 10, 10));
const tableOptions = { TableOptions(), getSelectionModel: () => selectionModel};
The data is in JSON format and represents an array of person objects. Some individuals are associated with friends through the ‘friends’ property. It constitutes a hierarchical object structure.
[ { "id": 0, "preName": "Prename0", "lastName": "Lastname0", "birth": "1995-01-19T20:04:30.982Z", "age": 8, "gender": "male", "address": { "street": "Street0", "number": "73a", "zip": "45169", "city": "City0", "country": "Germany" }, "friends": [ { "id": 205, "preName": "Prename205", "lastName": "Lastname205", "birth": "1998-06-18T01:49:11.679Z", "age": 24, "gender": "male", "address": { "street": "Street205", "number": "21a", "zip": "80116", "city": "City205", "country": "Germany" }, "friends": [ { "id": 685, ...
Firstly, this model is converted into an array of TreeRowIfTableFactory.createTableModel()
The ColumnDefIf[]
defines the columns in this process.
const tree = TreeFactory.buildTreeRows<PersonIf>(TREE_PEOPLE_DATA, "friends");const tableModel = TableFactory.createTableModel({ rows: tree, columnDefs, tableOptions, fixedLeftColumnCount: 1, fixedRightColumnCount: 1});
The column definition looks like this:
function createTreePeopleColumnDefs(): ColumnDefIf[] { return [ new ColumnDef("lastName", "Last Name", px220), new ColumnDef("preName", "Pre Name", px120), ColumnDef.create({ property: "age", headerLabel: "Age", width: px80, bodyRenderer: new NumberCellRenderer(), editable: TrueFn, editInputPipe: editInputPipeForNumber }), new ColumnDef("birth", "Birthday", px100, undefined, Renderer.bodyRenderer(new DateToIntlDDMMYYYYCellRenderer())),
ColumnDef.create({ property: "gender", headerLabel: " ", width: px50, bodyRenderer: new MaleFemaleToIconCellRenderer(), editable: TrueFn, getEditRenderer: () => new SelectCellRenderer([ new ValueLabel("female", "♀"), new ValueLabel("male", "♂") ]) }),
new ColumnDef("address.street", "Strasse", px150), new ColumnDef("address.number", "Nr", px70), new ColumnDef("", "Zip", px60), new ColumnDef("", "City", px120), new ColumnDef("", "Country", px120), new ColumnDef("id", "ID", px60) ];}