Class representing a TableScope.










api: TableApi = ...
areaBodyCenter: DivScope
areaBodyCenterGeo: GeoData = ...
areaBodyEast: DivScope
areaBodyEastGeo: GeoData = ...
areaBodyWest: DivScope
areaBodyWestGeo: GeoData = ...
areaFooterCenter: DivScope
areaFooterEast: DivScope
areaFooterWest: DivScope
areaHeaderCenter: DivScope
areaHeaderEast: DivScope
areaHeaderWest: DivScope
borderFixedEast: HTMLDivElement
borderFixedWest: HTMLDivElement
borderFooterTop: HTMLDivElement
borderHeaderBottom: HTMLDivElement
cleanupFunctions: {
    body: Function[];
    footer: Function[];
    header: Function[];
} = ...

Type declaration

  • body: Function[]
  • footer: Function[]
  • header: Function[]
colAndRowspanModels: AreaObjectMapType<ColAndRowspanModel> = ...
contentDiv: HTMLDivElement
contentWrapperDiv: HTMLDivElement
dragFrom: number = -1
dragTo: number = -1
draggingTargetColumnIndex: number = -1
editing: boolean = false
eventListener: EventListenerIf
firstVisibleRowIndex: number = -1
getFocusModel?: GetT<FocusModelIf>
getSelectionModel?: GetT<SelectionModelIf>
hostElement: HTMLDivElement
hoverColumn: HTMLDivElement
hoverRow: HTMLDivElement
inputHandler: InputHandler
keyEvent?: GeKeyEvent
mouseEvent?: GeMouseEvent
mouseHandler: MouseHandler
mouseStartAction: string = ""
mouseStartColumnIndex: number = -1
mouseStartWidth: number = -1
scrollFactorX: number = 0
scrollFactorY: number = 0
scrollLeft: number = 0
scrollTop: number = 0
scrollViewport: HTMLDivElement
scrollViewportLeft: number = 0
selectionService: SelectionService = ...
shortcutService: ShortcutService
storeScrollPosStateService?: StoreStateScrollPosService
storeSortingService?: StoreStateSortingService
storeStateCollapsedExpandService?: StoreStateCollapsedExpandService
tableModel: TableModelIf
tableOptions: TableOptionsIf
tree: boolean = false


  • Private

    Restores the collapsed/expanded state of the rows in the table based on the autoRestoreOptions specified in the tableOptions. This method is private and should not be called directly.

    Returns void

  • Private

    Restores the scroll position of the table if auto restore options are enabled.

    Returns void



  • Private

    Automatically restores the sorting state of the table.

    Returns void






    This method checks if the autoRestoreSortingState option is enabled in the tableOptions. If enabled, it uses the storeSortingService to retrieve the sort items array. If there are sort items present, it applies them to the table's body model using the doSort method.

  • Changes the focus cell using the specified deltas.


    • dx: number

      The delta for the column index.

    • dy: number

      The delta for the row index.

    Returns boolean

    • True if the focus cell was changed, false otherwise.
  • Triggers the context menu event based on the mouse move event.


    Returns void

  • Creates a GeMouseEvent object based on a MouseEvent.


    • mouseEvent: MouseEvent

      The MouseEvent object to create the GeMouseEvent from.

    Returns GeMouseEvent

    • The created GeMouseEvent object.
  • Protected

    Draws big cells (rowspan and or colspan) in body/center


    • range: CellRange


    • xStart: number

      X position in pixel for top left corner

    • yStart: number

      Y position in pixel for top left corner

    • areaModel: AreaModelIf


    • parentDiv: HTMLDivElement

      Parent div as HTMLDivElement

    • sideIdent: SideIdent

      SideIdent (west,center,east)

    Returns void

  • Updates the table (repaint) when an external filter is changed.


    • clearSelection: boolean = true

      Indicates whether to clear the selection model or not. Default value is true.

    Returns void

  • Handles the end of mouse dragging event on a frame.


    Returns void

  • Triggers an action based on the provided action ID.



      The ID of the action to be triggered.

    Returns boolean

    • Returns true if the action was successfully triggered; otherwise, false.
  • Handle the double click event on the table header.


    • event: MouseEvent

      The mouse event that triggered the double click.

    • _rowIdx: number

      The row index of the header.

    • colIdx: number

      The column index of the header.

    Returns void

  • Resizes the column based on the mouse event.


    • mouseEvent: GeMouseEvent

      The mouse event that triggered the resize.

    Returns void

  • Toggles the expand or collapse state of all items in the body area model.


    • Optional expand: boolean = true

      Whether to expand or collapse all items. Default is true.

    Returns void

  • Toggles the checkbox state of a specific row in a table.


    • rowIdx: number

      The index of the row to toggle the checkbox state.

    • _colIdx: number

      The index of the column. This parameter is unused.

    • areaIdent: AreaIdent

      The identifier of the table area.

    Returns void

    • This method does not return anything.
  • Parameters

    • areaIdent: AreaIdent
    • rowIndex: number
    • columnIndex: number
    • value: string

    Returns void

  • Creates a TableScope instance.


    • hostElement: HTMLDivElement

      The HTML div element that will contain the table.

    • tableModel: TableModelIf

      The table model object.

    • Optional tableOptions: TableOptionsIf = ...

      The optional table options object.

    • Optional eventListener: EventListenerIf = ...

      The optional event listener object.

    • Optional domService: DomServiceIf = ...

      The optional DOM service object.

    Returns TableScope

    • The newly created TableScope instance.

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