Represents the options for configuring a table.

Class Property Description
headerSeparatorBorderVisible Indicates whether the header separator border is visible.
footerSeparatorBorderVisible Indicates whether the footer separator border is visible or not.
fixedEastSeparatorBorderVisible Determines whether the fixed east separator border is visible.
fixedWestSeparatorBorderVisible Indicates whether the fixed west separator border should be visible.
verticalBorderVisible Indicates whether the vertical border is visible.
horizontalBorderVisible Represents the visibility of the horizontal border.
overflowX Determines the behavior of horizontal overflow for the table body (scroll port).
overflowY Determines the behavior of vertical overflow for the table body (scroll port).
tableTopBorderVisible Indicates whether the top border of a table is visible or hidden.
tableBottomBorderVisible Specifies whether the bottom border of a table is visible.
hoverRowVisible Flag indicating whether the hover color of a row is visible or not in general.
hoverColumnVisible Flag indicating whether the hover color of a column is visible or not in general.
columnsResizable Represents whether the columns are resizable.
columnsDraggable Flag indicating whether the columns are draggable.
columnResizeHandleWidthInPx The width of the column resize handle in pixels.
headerVerticalSeparator Represents whether a vertical separator should be displayed in a header.
footerVerticalSeparator Indicates whether a vertical separator should be displayed in the footer.
defaultRowHeights Represents the default row heights for a given table.
headerToggleExpandCollapseIcons Indicates whether to show toggle icons in the header.
treeOptions Represents the options for configuring a tree.
showCheckboxWihoutExtraColumn Indicates whether to show checkbox without an extra column.
externalFilterFunction Represents the external filter function used to filter table rows.
sortedOptions Represents a sorted options object.
sortOrder Represents the sort order of the columns.
autoRestoreOptions Represents auto restoration options.
getEditRenderer Retrieves the edit renderer for a specific action.
getSelectionModel Retrieves the selection model for a specific object.
getFocusModel Retrieves the focus model of the component.
shortcutActionIdMapping Represents a mapping of shortcut action IDs.


  • TableOptions




columnResizeHandleWidthInPx: number = 4

The width of the column resize handle in pixels.

columnsDraggable: boolean = true

Flag indicating whether the columns are draggable.

columnsResizable: boolean = true

Represents whether the columns are resizable.

defaultRowHeights: DefaultRowHeightsIf = ...

Represents the default row heights (for header, body and footer) for a given table.


An array of numbers representing the default height for each row in a table.

externalFilterFunction: undefined | FilterFunction<any> = undefined

Represents the external filter function that will be used to filter the table rows.

fixedEastSeparatorBorderVisible: boolean = true

Determines whether the fixed east separator border is visible.

fixedWestSeparatorBorderVisible: boolean = true

Indicates whether the fixed west separator border should be visible.

footerSeparatorBorderVisible: boolean = true

Indicates whether the footer separator border is visible or not.

footerVerticalSeparator: boolean = false

Indicates whether a vertical separator should be displayed in the footer.

getEditRenderer?: GetEditRenderer = ...

Retrieves the edit renderer for a specific action.





The action for which to retrieve the edit renderer.


  • The edit renderer for the specified action.
getFocusModel?: GetT<FocusModelIf> = ...

Retrieves the focus model of the component.


The focus model of the component.

getSelectionModel?: GetT<SelectionModelIf> = ...

Retrieves the selection model for a specific object.


The target object to retrieve the selection model from.


  • The selection model for the given object.
headerSeparatorBorderVisible: boolean = true

Indicates whether the header separator border is visible.

headerToggleExpandCollapseIcons: boolean = false
headerVerticalSeparator: boolean = false

Represents whether a vertical separator should be displayed in a header.



horizontalBorderVisible: boolean = true

Represents the visibility of the horizontal border.

hoverColumnVisible: boolean = true

Flag indicating whether the hover color of a column is visible or not in general. If true, the column get the hover background color while the mouse is over the column.

hoverRowVisible: boolean = true

Flag indicating whether the hover color of a row is visible or not in general. If true, the row get the hover background color while the mouse is over the row.

overflowX: "auto" | "scroll" = "auto"

The value of the css overflowX determines the behavior of horizontal overflow for the table body (scroll port).

overflowY: "auto" | "scroll" = "auto"

The value of the css overflowX determines the behavior of vertical overflow for the table body (scroll port).

shortcutActionIdMapping?: ShortcutActionIdMapping

Represents a mapping of shortcut action IDs.

showCheckboxWihoutExtraColumn: boolean = false

Indicates whether to show checkbox without an extra column. If true and the row is checkable, a checkbox is rendered in the first column. If false and the row is checkable, a checkbox is rendered in an extra column left to the first column.

sortOrder: SortState[] = ...

Represents the sort order of the columns.

sortedOptions: SortedOptions = ...

Represents a sorted options object.


The SortedOptions represents a class that defines sorted icons, which will displayed in the header (if column is sortable).

tableBottomBorderVisible: boolean = true

Specifies whether the bottom border of a table is visible.

tableTopBorderVisible: boolean = true

Indicates whether the top border of a table is visible or hidden.

treeOptions: TreeOptions = ...

Represents the options for configuring a tree.

verticalBorderVisible: boolean = true

Indicates whether the vertical border is visible.

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