Web Component
You can find it on stackblitz: stackblitz-guiexpert-table-webcomponents-simple.
Add the following NPM package to your existing project (run this in your project root directory):
npm install --save @guiexpert/table @guiexpert/webcomponent-table @guiexpert/demo-table-models
The third package @guiexpert/demo-table-models
contains some predefined table models.
It is not necessary in a real life project.
To add the global guiexpert CSS file in your project,
you can include the file in the header of the index.html
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/guiexperttable/ge-table@main/libs/table/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" />
You will also find the main.css
in the downloaded node module: node_modules/@guiexpert/table/css/main.css
Create a component and include the guiexpert tag in the template of your component
import "./app.element.css";import { TableModelAndOptions, TableModelIf, TableOptions } from "@guiexpert/table";import { generateSimpleModel } from "@guiexpert/demo-table-models";import { GuiexpertTable } from "@guiexpert/webcomponent-table"; // <-- our library
export class AppComponent extends HTMLElement {
public static observedAttributes = ["data"];
constructor() { super(); customElements.whenDefined('webcomponent-table-demo-root').then(() => { console.info('webcomponent-table-demo-root defined'); }); customElements.whenDefined('guiexpert-table').then(() => { console.info('guiexpert-table definded'); }); }
connectedCallback() { this.innerHTML = ` <guiexpert-table style="width:100%;height:100%;display:block;background:yellow;margin:0;padding:0;" ></guiexpert-table>`;
customElements.define("guiexpert-table", GuiexpertTable); const table = this.querySelector("guiexpert-table") as GuiexpertTable; table.addEventListener("tableReady", (e) => console.info("table api:", (e as CustomEvent).detail));
console.info('table', table); const tableModel: TableModelIf = generateSimpleModel(1000, 100); const tableOptions = new TableOptions(); table.data = (new TableModelAndOptions(tableModel, tableOptions)); }
customElements.define("app-root", AppComponent);
Be sure, that your div containers expands. Add this CSS rule to your component’s style.
html,body,#app { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0;}