You can find it on stackblitz: stackblitz-guiexpert-preact-table-simple.
Add the following NPM package to your existing Preact project (run this in your project root directory):
npm install --save @guiexpert/table @guiexpert/preact-table
To add the global guiexpert CSS file in your Preact project,
you can include the file in the header of the index.html
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
You will also find the main.css
in the downloaded node module: node_modules/@guiexpert/table/css/main.css
Create a component and include the guiexpert tag in the template of your component
/** @jsx h */import { h } from 'preact';import { GuiexpertTable } from '@guiexpert/preact-table';import { createColumnDefs, createTableOptions, createTableRows,} from '@guiexpert/demo-table-models';import { TableFactory } from '@guiexpert/table';
export const App = () => { const tableOptions = createTableOptions(); const rows = createTableRows(); const columnDefs = createColumnDefs();
const tableModel = TableFactory.buildByTypedRowsParam({ rows, columnDefs, tableOptions, fixedLeftColumnCount: 1, });
const tableReady = (api) => {'Table API:', api); };
const onMouseClicked = (evt) => {'Mouse:', evt); };
const onChildClicked = (e) => { console.warn('callback from parent triggered', e); };
return ( <GuiexpertTable tableModel={tableModel} tableOptions={tableOptions} mouseClicked={onMouseClicked} tableReady={tableReady} /> );};
Be sure, that your div containers expands. Add this CSS rule to your component’s style.
html,body,#app { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0;}